Friday, September 2, 2011

Wild guppy, New Species or Micropoecilia ?

Recently I found a nice looking fish on the interenet. At the moment no one knows what to call it; some people have proclaimed it to be Poecilia spec. Orangeline and even some think its in the Micropoecilia group and bares the name Micropoecilia spec. RML. Personally I think that it might be a new species but would probably only like an endler is to a guppy. I originaly thought of it as a wild type of guppy but differences can be seen. I wouldnt care if it wasn't or was a wild type of guppy but I am wondering if they can breed like endlers and guppies can and if so I wonder what the hybrids would look like.

(thanks tobi for the picture^)

New Endlers

I've recently bought a few Yellow Jacket Endlers from another guppy hobbist and I've began to breed them. They are guppy-endler hybrids and my first 'endlers' that I've ever worked with. I hope to get alot out of them and they seem to be very nice stock. They are similiar to Tiger endlers but are a bit different.
Heres some pictures:

They are beautiful on their own but I also wish to cross them with some half blacks I have. I am hoping the cross turns out as nice as this cross: